Message from Rev Wendy Oliver
As I write this I am breaking the rules really as I am still on sick leave and will be for some time.
However I just had to say to you all a HUGE HUGE thank you for your incredible generosity in supporting the Tower/Spire fund. We have just about reached our goal of £33000 in 3 months not 6!
However, please do not stop giving as the more money we raise towards the £66000 means the less grants we require and who knows we may even raise the whole amount!
I have always known you were an incredible group of people and you are. THANK YOU!
I was listening to Julia's sermon for last Sunday 18 October 2019 - if you haven't seen, read or heard it please do check out our website It is excellent.
The reading is from Luke 10 regarding the sending out of the 72. It is a call to each and everyone of us to follow Jesus and serve our church in any way we can.
You may not realise that we now have a Youth Group (11-18) now called WAVES which is just starting to meet via Zoom each week. Connor has an amazing vision for our YP and is there not only to inspire them but also to train the leaders. There are over 20 youngsters in the 2 groups making up Waves.
The problem is lack of leaders. We only have Connor and 1 other at present.
I think it is a terrible indictment of our church when no-one wants to work with our YP, not only the church of tomorrow but also the church of today. What does it say to them? Will they feel part of the church when no adults are there to support them?
How can they know about Jesus who is alive and working in all our lives today if we don't share our own stories with them?
I know it is scary but at present all meetings are via Zoom and Connor is there to teach and encourage; our Lord Jesus is with us and his Holy Spirit will bring courage and the words we need. If you love children and want to see them come to the Lord contact Connor.
Please do contact Connor to find out more: Tel: 07941011687
Or email:
Bless you all